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Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend

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3 participants
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Zagreus Pomegranate

Zagreus Pomegranate

Terre 7061

Crédits : Smarties MERCII BEAUCOUP
Univers : Mythologie réécriture
Feat : Ben Barnes
Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend - Page 2 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f676e53785f6d586d716547386c413d3d2d313037343730353134362e313638333365383965393863306339343136383730323936303336392e676966

"Poseidon's an incomparable fool I am ashamed to call my brother. He can shake the earth up there all he pleases; he is unwelcome here."

Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend - Page 2 17e6b601967b11759e47bb35b820740d5f6cdc7b
Age : Ici il pense avoir 35 ans. En réalité, il n'a pas d'âge.
Occupation : Propriètaire de la plus grande banque de l'île et sauveur de chiens érrants.
Illustration : "You wish to meet your uncle Zeus someday? Imagine me, with a luxurious white mane, without a modicum of self-control. That's your Zeus."

Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend - Page 2 D5c87c84c669a38d05c2a175aada840b

"The fear of death keeps mortals well in check. You'd best learn to fear something yourself, you hear me, boy?"

Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend - Page 2 4e9d634360908a029617f5499ae3ce582945da9b

"You want battle ? I will give you War

Messages : 74
Points : 311
Illustration : Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend - Page 2 Ad020cdab159b2b087b5ef69e760a687
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2024

Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend - Page 2 EmptySam 18 Mai 2024 - 15:22

@Lucinda M. Morningstar Oui bien sûr comme ça se sera fait ! OH YES
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Lucinda ❦ My dreams were too hard to defend
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